Als ich wisse das Morgen der Erde enden wuerde, immernoch wurd ich mein Apfelbaum pflanzen.

Even if I knew the world would perish tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

"Factory work's easier on the back, and I don't mind it, understand, but a man becomes what he does. Got to watch that. That's why I keep at farmin' although the crops haven't ever throve. It's the doin' that's important." Madison Wheeler in Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Garden Almanac May 2013

Amazingly, despite the rain and our current busy schedule everything except the late corn, the peppers and the eggplants are in the garden. Most of the weeds are even pulled.   Both the kids and The Woodsman helped and youth group was cancelled on Sunday so I had an unexpected, uninterrupted five hour stretch.  It feels really good to have the majority of the work finished.  Now we can concentrate on finishing the weeding and on mulching.  Here's what we've planted so far...

Lettuce:  Red Deer's Tongue, Pine Tree Lettuce Mix
Herbs:  Large Leaf Cilantro, Flat Leaf Parsley
Miscelaneous:  Celery, Fennel and Silver Queen Okra
Flowers: Jewel Mix Nasturtium, Alyssum, Scarlet Lady Runner, Cosmos, Columbine, Foxglove, Wildflower Mix, Old Spice Sweet Pea, Forget Me Not
Corn:  Quickie, Incredible, Bloody Butcher
Winter Squash:  Queensland Blue, Blue Hubbard, Carnival Acorn, Early Butternut, Autumn Harvest Mix
Summer Squash: Cashcrop Zucchini, Yellow Straightneck
Radish:  Minowase Daikon,French Breakfast
Sunflower:  Great Grey Stripe, Sunflower Mix, Earthwalker
Beet:  Detroit Beet, Lutz Winter Keeper
Greens:  Red Russian Kale, Green Wave Mustard, Giant Red Indian Mustard, Fordhook Swiss Chard
Tomatoes:  Cherrry:  Sweet Million, Sun Gold, Chelsea, White Cherry, Black Cherry  Paste:  Roma, Opalka, Linguisa Eating: Pineapple, Kellogg's,  Stupice, Oklahoma Spring, Rutgers, Cherokee Purple, Beefsteak, Pepper Tomato, Helen's Lebanon
Peas:  Mr. Lincoln, Tall Telephone, Cascadian Sugar Snap
Beans:  Green:  Provider, Roma, Lima  Shell:  Jacob's Cattle, Black Turtle
Onions: Red and Yellow
Garlic: Inchelum Red and Elephant
Sweet Potatoes:  Beauregard and Georgia Jet
Potatoes:  Red Pontiac, Katahdin and Kenebec
Cabbage:  Glory of Enzhuiken, Danish Ballhead, Krautman
Broccoli: Gypsy
Cauliflower:  Cheddar
Brussel Sprouts: Jade Cross

I do practice crop rotation.   I loosely follow this method.  However, because tomatoes and corn take up so much space in comparison to other crops I'm usually juggling the space to make it all fit.  This time of year the garden is never big enough.  Come the middle of July when the weeding seems to never end, and even more in August when I practically live in the kitchen processing - I'll think it's entirely too big and I'll be dreaming of an empty garden.  It's so easy to be ambitious when the plants are so small and the days are so pleasant. 

How's your garden growing?

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