Als ich wisse das Morgen der Erde enden wuerde, immernoch wurd ich mein Apfelbaum pflanzen.

Even if I knew the world would perish tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

"Factory work's easier on the back, and I don't mind it, understand, but a man becomes what he does. Got to watch that. That's why I keep at farmin' although the crops haven't ever throve. It's the doin' that's important." Madison Wheeler in Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon

Friday, September 28, 2012

Jr. Rangers on the Lothlorien Trail, Shenandoah National Park

Do you know about the Junior Ranger program?  Every National Park has this program - it's free at some parks, and other parks charge a nominal fee.  The kids get a booklet of activities to complete and have to attend some ranger programs.  They're entertained and they're learning.  When all of the requirements are completed the kids get either a badge or a patch specific to that park.  Parents learn a lot about the park too - it's a great way to have an involved experience.
My kiddos have completed sixteen Jr. Ranger Programs.  They completed the last one this summer at Shenandoah National Park.  If you're looking for an easy (this one is even handicap accessible) hike this is a great choice.  These pics are from early June, but the Lothlorien Trail is a great choice year round.
Measuring a huge old oak.

Exploring the trail with the ranger book.

Mountain Laurel:  My favorite flower.

Slime molds!

Rock formation created by an ancient volcano.

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