Als ich wisse das Morgen der Erde enden wuerde, immernoch wurd ich mein Apfelbaum pflanzen.

Even if I knew the world would perish tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

"Factory work's easier on the back, and I don't mind it, understand, but a man becomes what he does. Got to watch that. That's why I keep at farmin' although the crops haven't ever throve. It's the doin' that's important." Madison Wheeler in Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon

Monday, March 17, 2014

What Makes March Interesting...

Two days ago, in PA

The kids spent the day with their Pap collecting sugar water, having mud fights and drinking lots of sweet halfway done syrup.  It was warm, sunny, lovely and very, very muddy.  

Auntie H came up to check out the progress in the Sugar House.

Today in VA

Ten inches in some places, grey skies, below freezing - not a sign of spring in sight.

 Except this - a wasp in the kitchen. 
Good thing Nature practices fecundity.  It's a rough world out there.

An excerpt from "March" by John Updike


Some days are fair

and some are raw

The timid earth decides to thaw


The mud smells happy

on our shoes

We still wear mittens

which we lose.

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