Als ich wisse das Morgen der Erde enden wuerde, immernoch wurd ich mein Apfelbaum pflanzen.

Even if I knew the world would perish tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

"Factory work's easier on the back, and I don't mind it, understand, but a man becomes what he does. Got to watch that. That's why I keep at farmin' although the crops haven't ever throve. It's the doin' that's important." Madison Wheeler in Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon

Monday, March 14, 2016

Philosophy on the Slopes

The kids and I got in one last ski trip before spring completely took over.  We went to a ski area in a state park which meant cheaper skiing, but only an older two person lift.  That combined with the tricky spring snow conditions in many places (mud, sticks, grass, ice, slush, water, rocks) meant that I had a good portion of the evening to get caught up in my own thoughts.

On one of the last runs down I started to think that skiing is a lot like life...

1)  You never really know how many runs you'll get in before your time runs out.
2)  Sometimes the conditions are terrible, sometimes they're wonderful, but what really makes it a good day is being there together.
3)  If you relax and remember to breathe even the hard parts get easier.
4)  It's good to wait for each other - that way you can help pick each other up if you fall.
5)  If you go too fast you get out of control.

So long ski season 2016 - here's hoping there's snow in November.

Not a picture of this year.
We were on the slopes more than any other season and I forgot to take pictures every single time.  

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